Hombu Dojo: World headquarters for Aikikai Aikido. Our dan grades are registered with Hombu and so are transferable to any Aikikai dojo around the world.
Canadian Aikido Federation: We are affiliated to the Aikikai Foundation through the CAF. Our rankings (both dan and kyu) are transferable to any CAF dojo.
Canadian Aikido Federation 2015 Summer Camp in Toronto taught by Osawa Sensei from Hombu Dojo. Several Avalon Aikikai members can be found in the crowd.​
Here are a few dojos with which we have close links:
Aikido Shugyo Dojo: Home dojo of Fran Turner Sensei (6th dan, retired), now with Gabe DiMarco (5th dan) as Chief Instructor. Ivan spent several years training with Fran in the late 90s.
Aikido Tendokai: Home dojo of Yumi Nakamura Shihan (7th dan). She has been visiting us for many years.
Halifax Aikikai and Antigonish Aikido: We have jointly hosted summer camps with the Nova Scotia Aikido Federation and often travel to each other's seminars.
Most of the rest of the Aikido community in Newfoundland is affiliated to Hombu Dojo through the United States Aikido Federation. Yoshimitsu Yamada Shihan (8th dan) and Mitsunari Kanai Shihan (8th dan) had a great influence on the development of Aikido in Newfoundland, including our dojo.
Other Aikido dojos in St. John's are:
We share friendships with all of these clubs. More information on the history of aikido in Newfoundland can be found on their websites.
Main sources of Aikido information on the web are:
Online places to buy uniforms and weapons:
Jukado: Store located in Montreal that sells a wide range of judo-gi. We only use the white ones in Aikido
Aiki Japan: Store in BC where nice (but expensive) aikido gi
You can find many places selling gi online - just search for “aikido gi” or “judo gi”
Sei Do Kai Supplies: A good source for weapons
Avalon Aikikai is a member of the St. John's Martial Arts Centre. The Centre also offers classes in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu, Judo and Karate.